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 Waiting At Home For You
Words and Music by James L. Bottorff - 2010
F - Dm7 G9
C7 - F -
- - Dm7 G9
C7 - F -
Am - E7 Am
E7 Am C         Dm7 Cdim        C7
F - Dm7 G9
C7 - F -  (repeat)
8-beat intro.  Play 4-beats for each cell, reading from left to right.
I don't know where you go,  When you leave our lovenest.
I don't know what you do,  When I'm waiting at home for you.
Go out and do your thing,  Quickly as you know best.
Always remember do,  That I'm waiting at home for you.
Watch the time,  Don't ' make me wait too long,
Give me a call so I'll know when you'll be back for dinner.
Waiting at home for you,  In our little lovenest,
Waiting at home for you,  When you come back to be with me.
Sipping a glass of wine,  Playing my old banjo,
Trying to pass the time,  While I'm singing a song or two.
Planning the evening out,  To our favorite night spot.
You should be home by eight,  I'm hoping you won't be late.
Listen dear,  Hear my old banjo ring,
Ringing a song reminding you that your sweetheart's waiting.
Waiting at home for you,  In our little lovenest,
Waiting at home for you,  When you come back to be with me.
Performer Links:
Watch the WineLand Banjo Band perform "Waiting At Home For You" (youtube)
Listen to Jim perform "Waiting At Home For You" on the plectrum banjo (mp3)
Arranged by Jim Bottorff
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