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- Sweet Marie
- Words by Cy Warman,
Music by Raymon Moore - 1893
Verse: |
F |
- |
Bb F |
C7 |
F F7 |
Bb F |
- C7 |
F |
Bb |
F |
- |
C C7 |
F F7 |
Bb F |
- C7 |
F |
Chorus: |
Bb |
F |
- |
C C7 |
F F7 |
Bb F |
- C7 |
F (repeat all) |
- 8-beat intro. Play 4-beats
for each cell, reading from left to right.
- _______
- Verses:
- I've a secret in my heart,
Sweet Marie, A tale I would impart, Love, to thee.
Every daisy in the dell, Knows my secret, knows it well, And
yet I dare not tell Sweet Marie.
- When I hold your hand in
mine, Sweet Marie, A feeling most divine comes to me.
All the world is full of spring, Full of warblers on the wing,
And I listen while they sing, Sweet Marie.
- In the morn' when I awake,
Sweet Marie, Seems to me my heart will break, Love, for thee.
Every wave that shakes the shore, Seems to sing it o'er and o'er,
Seems to say that I adore Sweet Marie.
- When the sunset tints the
west, Sweet Marie, And I sit down to rest, Love, with thee,
Every star that studs the sky, Seems to stand and wonder why.
They're so dimmer than your eye, Sweet Marie.
- Chorus:
- Come to me, Sweet Marie.
Sweet Marie, come to me. Not because your face is fair, Love,
to see.
- But your soul, so pure and
sweet, Makes my happiness complete, Makes me falter at your feet,
Sweet Marie.
- _______
- Arranged by Jim Bottorff
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- email: jbott@ix.netcom.com