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- Ragtime Cowboy
- Words by Grant
Clarke, Music by Murry Abrams & Louis Muir - 1912
Verse: |
C Cdim |
C F7 |
C A7 |
D7 G7 |
C Cdim |
C Am |
D9 G |
C |
G Gdim |
G C7 |
G Gdim |
A9 D7 G |
C Cdim |
C Am |
B7 |
Em G7 |
Chorus: |
C |
- |
D7 |
- |
G7 |
- |
C Am |
D7 G7 |
C |
- |
D7 |
- E7 |
Am |
- |
C A7 D9 G7 |
C (G7 to chorus) |
- 8-beat intro. Play 4-beats
for each cell, reading from left to right.
- This song has a "tripple
ending", repeat the next to last measure 3 times.
- _______
- Verse:
- Out in Ar-i-zon-a where
the bad men are, And the on-ly thing to guide you is an Eve-'ning
The rough-est, tough-est man by far is Rag-time Cow-boy Joe.
- Got his name from sing-in'
to the cows and sheep, Ev-'ry night, they say, he sings the herd
to sleep,
- In a bass so rich and deep,
Croon-ing soft and low.
- Chorus:
- He al-ways sings rag-gy
mu-sic to the cat-tle, As he swings back and for-ward in the
On a horse that is syn-co-pat-ed, gait-ed, And there's such a
fun-ny me-ter to the roar of his re-peat-er!
How they run, When they hear that fel-low's gun, Because the
West-ern folks all know,
He's a high-fa-lut-ing, scoot-ing, shoot-ing, Son-of-a-gun from
Ar-i-zo-na Rag-time Cow-boy Joe.
- _______
- Arranged by Jim Bottorff
- This Chord Chart
may not appear correctly with some browsers. It should
be viewed with a full size window.
- The chord names should
appear in single rows. Let me know of any problems.
- email: jbott@ix.netcom.com