- Play Chorus
to Songs
- Put On Your Old
Grey Bonnet
- Words by Percy
Wenrich, Music by Stan Murphy - 1909
Verse: |
G |
- |
A7 |
- |
D7 |
- |
G Gdim |
D7 |
G |
- |
A7 |
- |
D7 |
- |
G |
- |
A7 |
D |
A7 |
D |
E7 |
A7 |
D7 |
- |
G |
- |
A7 |
- |
D7 |
- |
G |
G7 |
Chorus: |
C |
- |
F |
- |
C Am |
D7 |
G |
- |
C E7 |
Am |
F |
C G7 |
C |
D7 G7 |
C |
- (G7 to chorus) |
- 8-beat intro. Play 4-beats
for each cell, reading from left to right.
- _______
- Verse:
- On the farmhouse veranda,
There sat Silas and Miranda,
- Thinking of the days gone
- Said he "Dearie, don't
be weary, You were always bright and cheery,
- But a tear, dear, dims your
- Said she "They're tears
of gladness, Silas, they're not tears of sadness,
- It is fifty years today
since we were wed."
- Then the old man's dim eyes
brightened, And his stern old hear, it lightened,
- As he turned to her and
- Chorus:
- Put on your old grey bonnet,
With the blue ribbon on it,
- While I hitch old Dobbin
to the shay,
- And through the fields of
clover, We'll drive to Dover,
- On our golden wedding day.
- _______
- Performer Links:
- (webpage)
- Watch the WineLand
Banjo Band perform "Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet" (youtube,
timestamp 4:10)
- Listen
to the Marin Banjo Club perform "Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet"
(youtube, timestamp 5:22)
- Listen to Alan Munde perform
"Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet" on the 5-string banjo
- _______
Arranged by Jim Bottorff
- This Chord Chart
may not appear correctly with some browsers. It should
be viewed with a full size window.
- The chord names should
appear in single rows. Let me know of any problems.
- email: jbott@ix.netcom.com