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- Hit The Road To
- Words by Johnny
Mercer, Music by Harold Arlen - 1942
Chorus: |
Bb |
- |
- |
- Gm |
Cm7 |
- F7 |
Cm7 F9 F+ |
Bb |
- |
- |
- |
- Gm |
Cm7 |
- F7 |
Cm7 F9 F+ |
Bb |
D7 D+ C |
Fm D9 |
- D9b5 |
Am7 D9 |
Dm7 G7 |
Dm7 G7 |
Eb |
F7 |
Bb |
- |
- |
- Gm |
Cm7 |
- F7 |
Cm7 F9 |
Dm7 Gm F#dim Gm7 |
Ab9 G9 |
Cm7 |
Bb |
- (F7 repeat) |
- 8-beat intro. Play 4-beats
for each cell, reading from left to right.
- _______
- Chorus:
- Bye, bye, baby, Time to
hit the road to dreamland.
You're my baby, Dig you in the land of Nod.
Hold tight baby, We'll be swinging up in dreamland.
All night baby, Where the little cherubs trod.
Look at that knocked out moon, Been a blowin' his top in the
Never saw the likes of you; What an angel.
Bye, bye, baby, Time to hit the road to dreamland.
Don't cry baby, It was divine but the rooster has finally crowed.
Time to hit the road.
- _______
- Arranged by Jim Bottorff
- This Chord Chart
may not appear correctly with some browsers. It should
be viewed with a full size window.
- The chord names should
appear in single rows. Let me know of any problems.
- email: jbott@ix.netcom.com