- Play Chorus
to Songs
- Georgia On My
- Words by Stuart
Gorrell, Music by Hoagy Carmichael - 1930
Verse: |
F |
A7 |
D7 |
G9 C7 |
F A+ |
A7 Dm |
G7 Edim C6 |
F C7+ |
F |
A7 |
D7 |
G9 C7 |
F A+ |
A7 Dm |
G7 Edim C6 |
F |
Chorus: |
F |
A7 |
Dm |
Gm Bbm |
F E7 |
Gm G9 C7 |
F Fdim |
Gm7 C7+ |
F |
A7 |
Dm |
Gm Bbm |
F E7 |
Gm G9 C6 |
F Eb9 |
F A7 |
Dm Gm6 |
Dm7 Bb7 |
Dm Gm6 |
Dm7 G7 |
Dm Gm6 |
Dm7 E7 |
Am F#dim |
Am C7 |
F |
A7 |
Dm |
Gm Bbm |
F E7 |
Gm G9 C6 |
F |
- (C7 to
chorus) |
- 8-beat intro. Play 4-beats
for each cell, reading from left to right.
- _______
- Verse:
- Melodies bring memories
that linger in my heart,
- Make me think of Georgia,
Why did we ever part?
- Some sweet day when blossoms
fall and all the world's a song,
- I'll go back to Georgia
'cause that's where I belong.
- Chorus:
- Georgia, Georgia, the whole
day through,
- Just an old sweet song keeps
Georgia On My Mind. (Georgia on my mind)
- Georgia, Georgia, a song
of you,
- Comes as sweet and clear
as moonlight through the pines.
- Other arms reach out to
me; Other eyes smile tenderly;
- Still in peaceful dreams
I see the road leads back to you.
- Georgia, Georgia, no peace
I find,
- Just an old sweet song keeps
Georgia On My Mind.
- _______
- Performer Links:
- (webpage)
- Listen to Scott Anthony
perform "Georgia On My Mind" (mp3)
- _______
Arranged by Jim Bottorff
- This Chord Chart
may not appear correctly with some browsers. It should
be viewed with a full size window.
- The chord names should
appear in single rows. Let me know of any problems.
- email: jbott@ix.netcom.com