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- Down Home Rag
- Music by Wilber
C. Sweatman - 1911
- Lyrics by Shapiro,
Bernstein and Co. - 1939
Verse: |
F Gm7 |
F Bbm6 |
F Gm7 F |
G7 C7 |
F Gm7 |
F Bbm6 |
F Gm7 |
G7 F |
Chorus: |
F6 |
- |
- |
- C7 |
F6 |
- Bbm6 |
F Bbm6 |
G7 C7 F (repeat all) |
- 8-beat intro. Play 4-beats
for each cell, reading from left to right.
- _______
- Verse:
- Dee-ten dat-ten doo-ten,
If you hear somebody toot-in' it.
- Dee-teen dat-ten doo-ten,
That's a musical jag.
When they play they've got a way of puttin' lots o' cute in it,
- Dee-ten dat-ten doo-ten,
It's the Down Home Rag.
- Chorus:
- Down Home, They've got rhythm
an' how,
- Down Home, While they're
pushin' the plow,
- Down Home, They're all doo-ten
it now.
- Oh! They're Dee-ten dat-ten
doo-ten to the Down Home Rag.
- _______
- Performer Links:
- (webpage)
- Listen to Jad Paul perform
"Down Home Rag" (mp3)
- ________
- Arranged by Jim Bottorff
- This Chord Chart
may not appear correctly with some browsers. It should
be viewed with a full size window.
- The chord names should
appear in single rows. Let me know of any problems.
- email: jbott@ix.netcom.com