- Play Chorus
to Songs
- Breezin' Along
With The Breeze
Words & Music by Haven
Gillespie, Seymour Simons & Richard A. Whiting - 1926
Verse: |
F |
G7 |
C7 |
F |
G7 |
C7 |
F |
C7+ |
F |
G7 |
C7 |
F |
G7 |
- |
C C7 |
C7 |
Chorus: |
F |
- |
A7 Adim |
D7 |
G7 |
C7 |
F |
Db7 |
F |
- |
A7 Adim |
D7 |
G7 |
C7 |
F |
F7 |
Bb |
- |
- |
Bbm |
F |
Dm |
G7 |
C7 |
F |
- |
A7 Adim |
D7 |
G7 |
C7 |
F |
- (C7
to Chorus) |
- 8-beat intro. Play 4-beats
for each cell, reading from left to right.
- _______
- Verse:
- I have been a rover since
I was a child,
- No one to love or care for
- Knock'd around all over,
kinda grew up wild,
- My home's where ever I may
- Chorus:
- I'm just breezin' along
with the breeze,
- Trailin' the rails, roamin'
the seas.
- Like the birdies that sing
in the trees,
- Pleasin' to live, livin'
to please.
- The sky is the only roof
I have over my head,
- And when I'm weary Mother
Nature makes me a bed.
- I'm just goin' along as
I please,
- Breezin' along with the
breeze. breeze.
- _______
- Performer Links:
- (webpage)
- Watch the Wineland
Banjo Band perform "Breezin' Along With The Breeze"
- Listen to the Oakland Banjo
Band perform "Breezin' Along With The Breeze" (mp3)
- _______
- Arranged by Jim Bottorff
- This Chord Chart
may not appear correctly with some browsers. It should
be viewed with a full size window.
- The chord names should
appear in single rows. Let me know of any problems.
- email: jbott@ix.netcom.com